Eco-friendly rug cleaning recipes
Although there are a great variety of eco-friendly rug cleaning products available nowadays, most of the commercially sold ones are still absurdly expensive and harmful. Today we are going to share the recipes for 4 non-toxic and efficient detergents you can use on your carpets and rugs.
Solution for Steam Cleaner
Using a steam cleaner to refresh your rugs is one of the most effective ways to kill fungi and bacteria settled deep into the threads and fibres. The best thing about using steam is that you don’t have to use toxic chemicals – the high temperature eliminates all microbes!
1 tbsp dishwashing liquid
½ cup hydrogen peroxide
½ cup distilled white vinegar
5-6 drops of your favourite essential oil (optional)
Put all ingredients into a plastic bowl and stir well until you get a smooth and homogenous mixture. The essential oil is optional but will give you an amazing odour! Pour the mixture into the container of your steam cleaner and fill with water to the top. Shake the tank well to dilute the cleaning mixture. Turn on the steam and run it over the rug. After you cover the whole surface, dispose of the liquid from the container, rinse it, fill it with clean water and then rerun it to ‘wash’ away any residual solution.
Rug Freshener
This formula will help you get rid of foul odours coming from your rug fast and safely. You can apply it to remove pet odours, cigarette smoke and smells from cooking. As this is a very gentle solution, you can use it as often and you like!
2 cups baking soda
7-8 drops essential oil (optional)
Put the baking soda in a large bowl, add a few drops of essential oil and stir well. Distribute the compound evenly over the rug and spread using a soft brush. Let it sit for half an hour. The baking soda absorbs strong odours quickly, without leaving a trace. The scented oil is optional; however, it will give a pleasant, gentle fragrance. Vacuum the carpet thoroughly to extract the residual compound.
Rug Colour Enhancer
If your rug looks dull and dark even after meticulous vacuuming, you can use this formula to refresh its colours.
1 cup white distilled vinegar
tap water
Add the vinegar into the tank of your steam cleaner and fill it with water to the top. Run the steamer over the rug and let it dry. The vinegar solution will revive the colours, and the carpet will look as new. As for the vinegar smell, crack open a window and the smell should dissipate within a couple of hours.
Colour-Safe Rug Shampoo
Use this colour protect shampoo before your DIY carpet/rug cleaning methods to ensure a happy and healthy rug/carpet.
1 tbsp distilled white vinegar
½ tsp ammonia
4 tbsp dishwashing liquid
2 cups lukewarm water
Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until you have a nice thick foam. If you don’t have a food processor, you can use an egg whisk or simply get a foam squeezy bottle. Distribute the foam evenly over the rug without pressing or rubbing hard. Let the foam sit for 10 minutes. After this, remove the foam from the carpet using a spatula. Get a clean sponge, dip it in water, and squeeze it until almost dry. Blot the rug to rinse it from any excess residues. The carpet will be slightly damp after you finish, and it will dry quickly, especially if you leave a window open. Vacuum the rug after it has dried.